People At Conference Table | PQS: (purpose-of-a-team.jpg)

Used On Daily Date: 01/29/2013

Staging Area For picture quotes.

  • Base Description: people at conference table
  • Quote Used:The purpose of a team is to instill change. Jobs become missions, customers and staff become friends and family, and an employer ceases to be merely a company and becomes a cause worth standing for.
  • Categorized Code: M
  • Image Name: purpose-of-a-team.jpg
  • Directory: /images
  • Width/Height: 460 x 465
  • Picture Colors: beige
  • Additional Date:
  • Daily Quote 2nd Time: daily-11-02-15
  • On Website 2nd Time: 03/12/13
  • Process Group: 2011-05-02 thru 2015-18-12

A Picture: (People At Conference Table with The Quote:  quote1 on it.

uid: 3d08ea0b-8f77-4879-859a-dc7ca9249190