Monday July 10, 2000


PERFECTION? Sometimes, things don't always seem to be perfect, But what is perfect? Is perfect what you see in others or what is assumed to be perfect, Or is perfect what you make of it? If you believe perfect has a single definition, Then you are unaware of true perfection. True perfection is the way you turn a bad situation into a good one, And in doing so you strengthen your belief in possibility. True perfection is when you see aspects of another that only you can see, Empowering your ability to see the good in others. True perfection is realizing the quantity and quality of time involved, Accepting this has renewed your ability to appreciate one another. True perfection is indulging yourself in another's thoughts & feelings, Setting the stage for selfless communication for years to come. True perfection enables you to experience life with one another, Enhancing your ability to evolve together through time. Perfection is only an opinion & this is mine; Possibility Empowers Relentless Feelings through Effort, Coherence, and Time. --- Copyright © 1999 Dawn Lally

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