Who Is MotivateUs

Motivating The World In Moments

lightbulb  What’s New This Week?

Mar. 1 – Mar. 8

palm tree swaying in the breeze

"Courage is not limited to the battlefield or the Indianapolis 500 or bravely catching a thief in your house. The real tests of courage are much quieter. They are the inner tests, like remaining faithful when nobody’s looking, like enduring pain when the room is empty, like standing alone when you’re misunderstood."
— Charles Swindoll

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Emailed Each Mon-Fri except for the holidays, life events and time off.

mountains in the distance

"Strength is letting go, when you want to hold on. Courage is moving forward, when you fear what’s ahead. Wisdom is listening, when you want to be heard."
— Phyllis Arnett

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What Did The World Need In 1997?
What Does the World Need Today?

Some Motivation, Inspiration, and Encouragement
How? Through Stories, Quotes, Pictures and More

Since 1997, MotivateUs.com has been honored to publish one of the largest motivational and inspirational quotes, stories, and inner feelings collection from people worldwide and we’re still going strong!

MotivateUs.com publications have no boundaries, no race, no gender, and no politics. This website is what the internet was made for: Clean, Edited, and Relevant Information About Life for All Ages. It is who we are and nothing more.

The vision of MotivateUs.com started in 1997 at a little internet service provider (ISP) in Bingham Farms, Mi. It was there that Marlene worked with business clients on their website needs.

As part of her work, she had to learn html (the language of web pages back then) and graphic programs to design websites to the client’s specifications.

She practiced her code knowledge during this time by publishing a quotation daily. This led to a vision of creating a place in cyberspace where the world could read positive and uplifting motivational and inspirational quotes and stories.

Soon people started finding the website she created (MotivateUs.com) and sent comments through email. In addition, people asked if they could send in their favorites and have them published as part of this new MotivateUs site.

Remember, back then, there were no blogs, very few content management systems, and very few options for individuals who wanted and needed to publish their thoughts and favorite sayings.

According to Steve LeBlanc, in a Quora post in 2011: “Before Blogger, it was possible to start a weblog. But very few people did it. They didn’t have the right encouragement, examples to follow, tech to make it easy, or community to join.” (Oh yes, Blogger was founded in August 1999.) It appears that MotivateUs was a trailblazer!

So this was how we began our global publication, MotivateUs.com, and The MotivateUs.Com Community.

Also, over the last 20+ years, many people have become quite famous after using MotivateUs.com as a springboard to showcase their thoughts and ideas.

As we move forward with the times, a new MotivateUs.com is emerging, and you can be part of it too.

Stay tuned – there’s a lot more to come!


History of MotivateUs

MotivateUs.com started in 1997 at a little Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Bingham Farms, Michigan. Our Founder, Marlene Blaszczyk, was learning to code Html and design websites and needed a way to practice her new skills, so she started one page of positive quotations.

She would add a new quotation each day, and one day, a visitor from South Africa sent an email explaining how much she liked the page and asked if one of her quotes could be added to our collection.

Why did she ask this? Back then, there wasn’t any Twitter (@MotivateUs), Facebook, Snapchat, or Instagram – social networks where people could post. The majority of people, the majority of businesses too, didn’t have websites. There were only newsgroups, some blogs, and only about a hundred thousand websites in Google Search.

It was challenging to share your thoughts, ideas, or opinions if you couldn’t code or know how to use web publishing software to create your own website.

According to Steve LeBlanc, in a Quora post in 2011: “Before Blogger, it was possible to start a weblog. But very few people did it. They didn’t have the right encouragement, examples to follow, tech to make it easy, or community to join.” (Oh yes, Blogger was founded in August 1999.)

Soon, more people started to email and comment about the quotation web page – could you publish my thought too?

Now came the vision: To create a place in cyberspace where real people from all walks of life could participate in this new medium called the Internet.

For the first time, people could have their quotes, thoughts, stories, and historical and personal writings published on a community website. Also, they could send comments and questions to a real person and receive an answer.

This was the beginning of our global publication and The MotivateUs.Com Community.

In addition, FYI, many people have become quite famous after using MotivateUs.com as a springboard to showcase their thoughts and ideas.As we move forward with the times, a new MotivateUs.com is emerging, and you can be part of it too.

… More About


For some reason, through some means you have located the New MotivateUs.com About Extension page. The beginning of the library of motivation and inspiration and its community. A place in cyber space that started 20+ years ago that allowed the world to publish, when they could not. When there were only news groups, html assistant pro and a need for global publication in the new media called The Internet. http://motivateus.com/about/more-about-motivateus-com/ Continue reading … More About