"Challenge yourself everyday to do better and be better. Remember, growth starts with a decision to move beyond your present circumstances."
— Robert Tew
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"Challenge yourself everyday to do better and be better. Remember, growth starts with a decision to move beyond your present circumstances."
— Robert Tew
"Be strong enough to let go, and patient enough to wait for what you deserve."
— Simone Thiel
"Strength shows not only in the ability to persist, but in the ability to start over."
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The readiness to praise others indicates a desire for excellence and perhaps an ability to realize it."
— Eric Hoffer
"The most powerful thought is a prayerful thought. When I’m praying for you, I am praying for my own peace of mind. I can only have for myself what I am willing to wish for you."
— Marianne Williamson