"It is just as necessary to forgive ourselves as it is to forgive others, and the principal reason why forgiveness seemed so difficult is because we have neglected to forgive ourselves."
— Christian D. Larson
Quote Of The Day On An Image
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Life and Experiences
"Life is only a combination of different experiences. Demand to enjoy them all."
— Wayne Pocock
Change Your Thinking
"You have to change your thinking if you desire to have a future different from your present."
—Germany Kent
Don’t Confuse Sacrifice with Settling
"Sacrificing and settling are not synonymous. When you sacrifice, you give up something in order to gain something better. When you settle, you compromise on something while sacrificing your opportunity to get something better. Make sure you settle and sacrifice for something worth it."
— Jarrod Christiensen
Winners Do This
"What do winners do? We emphasize, we adapt and we overcome."
— JoAnna G.