Everyone needs something positive in their lives. Explore our Archive with more than 1,000 of our Emailed Quotes of the Day.
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"It’s the little things you do that can make a big difference. What are you attempting to accomplish? What little thing can you do today that will make you more effective? You are probably only one step away from greatness." — Bob Proctor Continue reading Will You Do The Little Things?→
Does Something Guide You?
Quote Of The Day:November 4, 2020
“I am guided by the same intelligence and inspired by the same imagination which scatters the moon beams across the waves and holds the forces of nature in it’s grasp.” — Ernest Holmes Continue reading Does Something Guide You?→
"Whatever you do, someone will criticize you. You will be blamed if you act and even if you don’t act; if you speak, or don’t speak. You can’t keep pleasing everyone. If your focus is on finding shortcomings, either in yourself or in others, you cannot raise higher. Recognize that if someone gives a comment, reflect on it. If there is some truth, accept it. If not, then thank them and move on." — Sri Sri Ravishankar Continue reading Reflect On It→
"Email is like the spoken word and you must think before you speak. Because once the words leave your lips or the email leaves your fingertips, you cannot take them back." — Theresa Gomes Continue reading Email Advice→