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Everyone needs something positive in their lives. Explore our Archive with more than 1,000 of our Emailed Quotes of the Day.

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What Possibilities Are Waiting For You?


Quote Of The Day: August 2, 2021

person on a wall and a quote from JoEllyn Lucero

"I choose to look at those situations that impede my progress as obstacles, not defeats. The difference between an obstacle and a defeat is simple – an obstacle opens the door to possibilities; a defeat closes it. Believing in possibilities tells the world hope lives within you and faith is the lantern that lights the way to making your dreams a reality. You are loved!"
— JoEllyn Lucero
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The Goal of An Artist?


Quote Of The Day: July 29, 2021

looking through a huge microscope at the people below and a quote by Marvin Gaye

"An artist, if he is truly an artist, is only interested in one thing and that is to wake up the minds of men, to have mankind and womankind realize that there is something greater than what we see on the surface."
— Marvin Gaye

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Who Will You Inspire Today?


Quote Of The Day: July 27, 2021

flowing river with a quote by Kobe Bryant

"The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do."
— Kobe Bryant

Continue reading Who Will You Inspire Today?