Quote Of The Day On An Image

Everyone needs something positive in their lives. Explore our Archive with more than 1,000 of our Emailed Quotes of the Day.

Share these on social networks, with friends and family and especially with your kids who are away at school. You never know who might need some motivation, inspiration, or just a thought to help encourage or empower them today, tomorrow, and into the future.

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Will You React Or Respond?


Quote Of The Day: October 14, 2021

man standing on a bluff and a quote by Deepak Chopra

"Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future."
— Deepak Chopra

Continue reading Will You React Or Respond?

Who Will Succeed?


Quote Of The Day: October 12, 2021

two people on snowy mountain and a quote by Robert Schuller

"Most people who succeed in the face of seemingly impossible conditions are people who simply don’t know how to quit."
— Robert Schuller

Continue reading Who Will Succeed?

Do You Take Time To Celebrate Everything?


Quote Of The Day: October 11, 2021

two hands together and a quote from Osho

"Be the celebrators, celebrate! Already there is too much – the flowers have bloomed, the birds are singing, the sun is there in the sky – celebrate it! You are breathing and you are alive and you have consciousness, celebrate it!"
— Osho
Continue reading Do You Take Time To Celebrate Everything?