Staging Area For picture quotes.
- Base Description: sunset with a beautiful sky
- Quote Used:Your opponent, in the end, is never really the player on the other side of the net, or the swimmer in the next lane, or the team on the other side of the field, or even the bar you must high jump. Your opponent is yourself, your negative internal voices, your level of determination.
- Categorized Code:
- Image Name: who-is-your-opponent.jpg
- Directory: /images
- Width/Height: 460 x 600
- Picture Colors: pink/blue
- Additional Date:
- Daily Quote 2nd Time: daily-12-08-16
- On Website 2nd Time:
- Process Group: 2011-05-02 thru 2015-18-12
uid: c30780e1-eedd-40bb-b8ca-53c1c30451c9