"Don't worry about those who put you down, because most likely they have more problems than you do."
Written in 2006 by Miriam T. --- Illinois
Instead of thinking that no one is suffering as much as you, look at the person who is picking on you. Most likely they're having more problems than you are.

"Being 'all you' is not all there is in life."
Written in 2006 by Sharika H., Age 16 --- Pennsylvania
My life is looking better. I give all the thanks to my mom, Mrs. Howard (teacher), and family. THANKS!

"Just because something is difficult doesn't mean you shouldn't try; it just means you should try harder."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Kenda P., Age 16 --- Oklahoma
This quote has helped me through so many times. Whether it is sports or even friendships, whenever I go through something tough and want to give up, I just say this quote and it motivates me to keep going!

"Life is not always easy. It's up to us to decide whether to take our chances, to fight through the rough times, or to give up and never know what it would have been like. Don't be afraid, just carry on and believe in yourself."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Julie L., Age 18
I have been through some very rough times and I have given up on a lot of things that I really wanted, things that meant a lot to me, and now when I look back, I just wish I had been brave enough to stand up and carry on.

"Failure is just a slight delay of success."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Jmaf F., Age 17 --- Philippines

"Don't join no Gang, I'll tell you why..... I knew when I joined, I've made a thousand friend (homies)……But then I finally realized that I made a thousand plus+ Enemies."
Written in 2006 by David Lee
Words of Advice

"Always be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Steph K., Age 15 --- NSW, Australia

"Don't never let them see you cry. When you do, this let's them know that what they're doing or saying is getting to you. They feel that their job is done."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Rakeisha S., Age 14 --- Indiana

"They say time flies. It does. Don't be in a hurry to grow up. Embrace childhood while you still have it. It'll be gone before you know it."
Written in 2006 by Jennifer W., Age 18 --- Washington
Something personal I've picked up over the years, hearing kids say how they can't wait to be where I am, older, working, in college. Yes it's fun but I would trade all that "freedom" to be seven again. Don't let time fly past you, go with it so you don't miss out. You'll get there soon enough, so sit back and enjoy the ride while you're still onboard; it's worth the wait.

"There are things in life that you have to let go of or they will ALWAYS come back to hit you in the face. No matter how hard you try to pretend they never happened or how much you lie about them they will ALWAYS be there. No matter how many people don't know, it will ALWAYS be there. You will someday realize that this is the only way to make that feeling, that you ALWAYS get, go just letting go of it all."
Written in 2006 by Jackie H., Age 15 --- Illinois
I wrote this because of some of my friends' life experiences.

"You should love yourself even if you don't like the way you look, because deep in your heart you want to love you. But every time you look in the mirror you just hate it because you want to be pretty and perfect, just like someone you see. You just don't want to look at the mirror any more because you get so fed up with the way you look. If you start loving yourself, the beauty inside will show. You just have to start loving yourself and things will happen. Remember nobody's perfect, we all come in different shapes, sizes and colors."
Written in 2006 by Alanna R., Age 16 --- New Jersey

"You know you have a true friend when you can tell them anything and everything and they listen. They don't laugh or get annoyed; they just listen. That's what I classify as a true friend."
Written in 2006 by Jimmy T., Age 17 --- South Dakota
I've had a lot of ups and downs in my life and my friends have really helped me through it. That is why I wrote this.

"If your sad, don't waste time; life is too short. Turn over a new page, new start, new thoughts, new happiness."
Written in 2006 by Hannah M., Age 15 --- United Kingdom

"When you fail, it is your choice to make to get back up and try again."
Written in 2006 by Julie H., Age 18 --- Florida
There are quotes that are like this I'm sure, but these are my words and advice. It means that you have the choice of knowing you have failed or the chance to get back up and try harder to succeed. No one can tell you what to do; you make your own decisions.

"Who is the fool? The fool or the person that follows?"
Ancient Chinese Proverb --- Submitted by Chadd L., Age 17 --- Canada
I've been using this proverb for many years (about 3 lol) towards my friends when they are about to do something incredibly stupid.

"You remember how everyone wishes they could change the past, well they can. Just by working for a better future and when the time comes, you'll be staring into a better past."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Jason M., Age 16 --- Illinois

"Thinking negatively will only take you to negative places."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Kevin K., Age 16 --- Indiana

"We all have bad memories. One day you'll wake up and think to yourself, 'I don't want to trade these memories for anything'. Those memories can help you to become a better person!"
One of my teachers --- Submitted by Chelsea M., Age 13 --- Washington
One of my teachers told this to me and believe it or not but I woke up thinking that exact same thing!

"When troubles come your way, don't ever try to work your way around that conflict. Instead, face the fight head on. The so called "roadblock" would not be in your way if God didn't believe you could fight your way through it, and become a better person. God has a plan in store for all of us, it's just our role to believe in that and know we can live a happier life in doing so."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by MHB +14+, Age 16 --- New York
I believe this quote can help those who are in struggles with their family lives, and are having conflicts with their own friends as well. This helps remind me that I myself can fight through the tough times, and that I will see better days in the near future if I believe in myself.

"There are going to be times in life when you feel beaten and destroyed. Instead of letting grief get the best of you, look on the bright side. After all, what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger."
Written in 2006 by Zach B., Age 15 --- Ohio
Wrote this after my girlfriend and I broke up. Every time I look at it, I find the motivation to keep moving. After all, there is more to life than one person (even though when you are in love that's the way it seems). Trust me when I say this - stop looking at quotes for inspiration and try to find inspiration within yourself. Find something you're good at and go for it. Once you do, you'll feel on top of the world. Don't forget the past, instead learn from it and move on. As I would say, "Do not dwell on the past, nor should you forget it, instead learn from it."

"You train people how to treat you by how you treat yourself."
My father, Pete W. Zafra --- Submitted by Pete Z. --- Philippines

"Leave today with no regrets."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by A.G., Age 18 --- California

"Sometimes life closes a door and opens a window. Now the choice is up to you! Are you going to stay there, stuck forever in that one place, or are you going to jump and hope someone's there to catch you?"
Written in 2006 by Stephanie T., Age 15 --- Florida
Sometimes life isn't always about opportunities; its about choices.

"There are always going to be people with more than you and people with less than you. Just be content with the things you have."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by B.P., Age 15
I saw something like this in a magazine. It helps me to see what I have and not complain about the things I don't have.

"Questions having obvious answers need not to be asked. Just be sensitive enough to understand the silent answers."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Cherry D., Age 17 --- Philippines

"Attempt is what I shall finish, but finish is what I shall attempt."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Laurie G., Age 17 --- Kentucky

"When any problem fights its way into your life, look to the stars and realize that there's so much more that you could choose to worry about!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Z.A., Age 16 --- United Kingdom
This helped me through my GCSE's when I thought that everything depended on whether or not I got good grades. But as much as I know I wanted them, they're not the be all and end all.

"Sometimes we have to turn our backs on the ones we love, so that we can LEAD them in the right direction."
Copyright © 2006 Joy Stacey

"Don't ever forget your old good friends to go with your new friends, no matter how popular they are. You old good friends are still the people know you best and are always there to support you. Someday you'll know why!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Bonnie T., Age 16 --- VIC, Australia

"They're not dreams if you make them your life."
Train --- Submitted by Bekah B., Age 15 --- Oklahoma
This quote has helped me accomplish many goals and it's reminded me never to give up.

"When no one believed in me, I believed in myself and achieved more then anyone thought possible."
Copyright © 2006 Stephanie Saffle
I thought of this when I got into one of the most prestigious colleges in my state. In high school, so many thought I would never amount to anything, but I never gave up my dream of doing something with my life. And then one day all my faith in myself paid off, as it would for anyone, because you truly are you're your own biggest fan.

"Love is forgiving because love is "for"giving."
Author Unknown Submitted by Mohammed G., Age 18 --- Egypt

"When you stand alone, let the light in."
Written in 2006 by Caitlin S., Age 15 --- New York
This is something I have to live by because my parents don't talk to me anymore. They don't accept certain things about me so I have to learn to fight for myself.

"Never look back; it distracts from the now."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Talia F., Age 17 --- Florida
This is such a good quote because it reminds me to never focus on the past because it distracts from what is going on now. What happened in the past, happened; it's already over. Why think about something that is already over and done with? Think about what's happening now and how you can live each moment to the fullest.

"One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible."
Henry Adams --- Submitted by S.G., Age 14 --- New York
I look up to this when I feel I'm alone... read it... and feel like I have a friend again.

"If you let the opinions of others run your life, you are cheating yourself from reaching your full potential."
Written in 2006 by Stevie S., Age 17 --- Oregon
Live life and be true to yourself. Even when times get tough, do yourself the favor of remaining true to who you really are.

"Why should our dreams be confined within city limits? Why should there be any geographic limits at allon what we dream and where we go in pursuit of happiness? And why, conversely, should wespend our lives without our soul mates just because they don't happen to live convenientlyclose to home?"
Randy B. Hecht --- Submitted by Katie W., --- Iowa

"Dare to be an original! Be yo self and see how good it feels!"
Shavonda G. --- Submitted by Sky E. --- California
I luv this quote b/c it helps me when I see myself copying someone else's style! I know to make my own style and regardless of what anyone else thinks about it, I know it was created by me! Also, it just feels so good to see someone else copying my style for a change!

"If you give up'll never know what tomorrow had in store for you!"
Copyright © 2006 Jackie White
I wrote this after overcoming depression.

"Every one in the world has different thoughts and feelings. Each of us has one of a kind dream andvision of the world. That's why we should think for ourselves! Don't let anyone think foryou, YOU BE THE JUDGE! Don't let someone make an important decision for you. Also don't letsomeone pressure you to do something you don't want do. I know you think that this istelling you what to do but when you read this, you will understand and do what is right."
Copyright © 2006 Jessica Alcock
Be you not someone else.