"If you avoid difficulties, you will have to face them again."
Copyright © 2003 Jason Yeo
I avoided some Math topics in my earlier academic years. Now I have to face them in my university education.... This applies in my life as well.

"Life is not a homework. Do It Now."
Satish V. --- Submitted by Ali Asgar Nagaria --- Maharashtra, India

THE NEW 3RRR's --- Reading, Respect, Responsibility

"I don't know about you but when I grew up the 3 r's were Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. Now writing and math are certainly skills worth working on ..... but they don't start with R. I can just imagine that the importance of spelling took a hit with this neat little phrase.

Which is why we have THE NEW 3 RRR's ---- the fine, needed qualities of Reading, Respect & Responsibility ..... and grammatically correct:^)"
Copyright © 2003 David Ian Gussin

"Don't care what other people think of you. You just gotta go out there, and dance like nobody's watchin'!"
Shelia Smith --- Submitted by Kristin H., Age 16 --- North Carolina
I would like to thank my English II Honor's teacher, Mrs. Shelia Smith. She helped me in more ways than she'll ever know. And, she is one of the most funny, happy, and inspiring teachers that I've ever had. I hope one day, when I become a teacher, I'll be just like her. Thank you for showing me that it's ok to be myself! You are my hero!

"You hold the key to what you want to achieve!"
Copyright © 2002 Danielle McGill
I learned this from a special teacher, Jason Dixon

"Teachers made me blossom, Teachers made me smile."
Written in 2003 by Sanitha A., Age 15 --- Kerala, India
Thank you, dear Peter, sir!

"We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn."
Peter F. Drucker

"Our shortcomings and the mistakes that we make, are what makes us human and not less human."
Copyright © 2003 Alison Cannel

"A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary."
Thomas Carruthers

"A teacher is someone who holds a special place in one's heart. They help you inside the classroom as well as outside of it. They are a mentor, confidante, counselor, and most importantly... a friend. Many can teach, but it takes someone special to be a teacher."
Copyright © 2003 Samantha Wilson
This quote describes my relationship with someone who is very dear to my heart, Ms. Wendy Alessi. Ms. Alessi is my Honors US History 2 teacher and probably one of my best friends. She has taught me so much, and not all of it was about History. She taught me how to accept things and to not be judgmental. She also taught me how to love and respect myself. I owe a lot to her and I love her so very, very, very much. She truly is a wonderful person who holds a very special place in my heart. Thank you Ms. Alessi for everything you have done for me. I love you sooooooooooo much. I owe you my life!

"You cannot have a learning organization without a shared vision...A shared vision provides a compass to keep learning on course when stress develops."
Peter Senge

"We all smile in the same language."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Tamz D., Age 16 --- Sydney, Australia