Life's Like That

Hope that diffused in the hazy air
left me with no words, that I could say
system it is, that's not so fair
leaving me alone, in an utter dismay

Startled to see that just "luck" prevails
proving luck is enough to lead the game
hard work bewildered, seeing its losing trail
aspirations buried, to avoid the shame

Futile it is, to ponder upon the ruling of fate
it's no one, who deserves a blame
This is a mere unfortunate spate
A tiny bit, in the time's frame.

Stood up to gather the courage that's lost
as I know, misery cannot make me its bait
A door closes to open another one fast
proving persistence is my blessing trait!

Rocking in the chair, I think again
what went wrong , that I didn't gain...
Truth is very simple and just so plain...
Pal... Move forward... take no pain!!!!

Copyright © 2007 Viji Mutupuru

Stories / Articles 2007

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