
"Nothing is over until you decide it is."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by B.P. --- Iowa

"The actual is limited, the possible immense."

"Fire proves gold; adversity proves men!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Jojo O. --- New York

"The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try nothing and succeed."
L. Jones --- Submitted by Pam S., Age 18 --- Nebraska

"Clear your mind of can't."
Samuel Johnson

"A man is not as big as his belief in himself; he is as big as the number of persons who believe in him."
Woodrow Wilson

"Sometimes you just have to grab life by the tail and give it a good shake!"
Copyright © 1986 PJ LaRue

"I'm not going to limit myself just because people won't accept the fact that I can do something else."
Dolly Parton

"There are two kinds of people in the world; Roller Coaster People and Merry-Go-Round People. Merry-go-round peoplelike the static circle knowing what is coming and living without risk. Roller coaster people take more risks andhave more ups and downs but get more out of life."
Written in 2001 by Jason C. --- Florida

"A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up and outpace."

"Failure is not an option. If you want to make your dreams come true.......think it, live it, breathe it, taste it. "You" will make it happen."
Copyright © 2002 Elisa Lipsky

"You can do anything you want to. Follow your dreams; because if you say you can't do it, you'll spend the rest of your life proving it."
Jean Nidetch --- Submitted by Debbie Kight --- Lancashire, United Kingdom

"We all are ACHIEVERS; we achieve according to our level of BELIEFS.
We all are WINNERS; we win according to our level of PERSEVERANCE."
Monica Paul --- Submitted by Ali Asgar Nagaria --- Maharashtra, India

"Make 10 different mistakes and learn 10 different lessons.
Make the same mistake 10 times and learn just one."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by J.F. --- Colorado
Making mistakes are a part of life, it's just useless to make the same one twice.

"You have to fail often to succeed only once!"
Ben Beale --- Submitted by J. Gresham --- Arkansas

"Rough waters make a good sailor."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ausir M. --- Philippines

"Dream and dare. Let no one demoralize you. Do not allow anyone to deter you. Pursue your goal even in the face of difficulties. Convert difficulties into opportunities; for difficulties are divine surgeries to make you better and not bitter."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Mandakini Punj --- U.P., India

"You don't get to be number 1 by aspiring to be number 2."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by C.M. --- Ontario, Canada

"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds."
Francis Bacon

"I live a day at a time. Each day I look for a kernel of excitment. In the morning I say: "What is my exciting thing for today?" Then, I do the day. Don't ask me about tomorrow."
Barbara Jordan

"The only true mistake in life is the fear of making one."
Adam Davis --- Submitted by T.J. Ferraro --- California

"Go where life takes you. You may be surprised at what it gives."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Rachel Tarian --- Ohio

"Ride on! Rough-shod if need be, smooth-shod if that will do, but ride on! Ride over obstacles and win the race!"
Charles Dickens

"Be courageous! Have faith! Go forward!"
Thomas Edison

"Not trying is wondering your whole life, whether you were good enough."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by B.C. --- NSW, Australia

"Winners do it as if to prove it,
Then they teach it to someone else."
Copyright © 2002 by Mark Haymaker

"You have come too far to think that you can't make it now."
Copyright © 2002 Tiffany Wong
I think about this to remind myself that there is no way I am turning back now! Look how far I have already come that merely a year before I never thought I would reach. Praise the Lord!

"Preparation and planning prevent piss poor performance."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Carl S. --- QLD, Australia
Has helped inspire me numerous times

"You will never plough a field by turning it over in your mind."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Paddy Brady

"Big goals can create the fear of failure. Lack of goals guarantees it."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Belluri Murthy --- A.P., India
Setting up the goals and working on it in a positive direction leads to achievement of goals.

"Winners win from the inside out; commitment is the first step!"
Written in 2002 by M.H. --- California
Once I created these words and then put them to use MY LIFE CHANGED! If these words are not used they do no one any good. Thank you...hopefully someone can make a change in his or her lives.

"Today's dreams are tomorrow's future!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Jeffrey Stadeker --- Louisiana

"Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands."

"In soloing, as in other activities, it is far easier to start something than to finish it."
Amelia Earhart

"Audacity augments courage; hesitation, fear."
Nigerian Proverb

"The mold of our fortunes is in our own hands."
Francis Bacon

"Things won are done, your soul lies in the doing."

"Knowing how to win is the first step. We must also know how to make use of our victories."

"There are people who put their dreams in a little box and say, "Yes, I've got dreams, of course, I've got dreams." Then they put the box away and bring it out once in awhile to look at it, and yep, they're still there. These are great dreams, but they never get out of the box. It takes an uncommon amount of guts to put your dreams on the line, to hold them up and say, "How good or bad am I?" That's where courage comes in."
Erma Bombeck

"It matters not that I finished, it's that I had the courage to start."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Caitlin M. --- Ohio
This quote helped me start things I never would have AND finish them.

"The only person holding you back is you; everyone else is merely watching."
Copyright © 2002 Brad Nicholls

"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence- that will enable you to attain the success you seek."
Mario Andretti

"The ultimate victory in competition is derived from the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best and that you have gotten the most out of what you had to give."
Howard Cosell

"No man ever became great except through many and great mistakes."
William E. Gladstone

"Standing is still going."
Swahili Proverb

"The question isn't how much more can you take but how much more can you give. Just when you're about to quit your mind says push harder; you listen sensing an inner strength that wasn't there before and suddenly you discover-you no longer feel the pain."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Erin F. --- Utah

"In life, there is no reset button. You play hard; you play to win!"
Rajiv Patel --- Submitted by Astha Sood --- New York

"In a calm sea, every man is a pilot. Strength is proven in adversity."
English Proverb

"Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid."
Basil King

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor."
Vince Lombardi --- Submitted by Tim Knippenberg --- Minnesota

Computer's Law:
WYSIWYG -What You SEE Is What You Get.

Life's Law:
WYBIWYG - What You BELIEVE Is What You Get.
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ali Asgar Nagaria --- Maharashtra, India

"Admire those who attempt great things, even if they fail."

"The beginnings of all things are small."

"Half-heartedness never won a battle."
William McKinley

"Look sharply and you will see opportunity:
For though she is blind, she's not invisible."
Francis Bacon

"Nothing really, really good, or really, really bad ever lasts really, really long."
Dennis Bagley (my father) --- Submitted by V.M. --- Missouri

"When you fall, stand tall and come back for more."
Tupac Shakur --- Submitted by Daniel J. Wiggum --- Alberta, Canada

"In life, one must learn to choose words that will allow us to achieve success and progress towards our personal goals. Motivation, Dedication, and Teamwork are weapons against life's challenges. Maintaining and practicing the concepts of these words, in your everyday endeavors, will guarantee a fruitful bounty of rewards."
Copyright © 2002 Armando Morales

"It is impossible to go as high as you are capable of going, if you are carrying the burden of hate, revenge and bitterness."
Zig Ziglar --- Submitted by Chen Fawn Meng --- Malaysia

"I'd rather regret things I've done than regret things I never got to do."
Submitted by Leti G. --- Texas
This goes for anything in your life. I like to live by this quote. To me, it means that I need to do things I want to do, when I want to do them. I'm not going to get to live my life over again! Sure, sometimes there'll be consequences, but I'd rather say I got to do them. When I grow old and am telling my grand children and great-grand children about my life, I don't want to be wishing I'd done more!

"Doing something without confidence is like drawing water with a damaged bucket."
Copyright © 2002 Sriram Phaneswar

"When everything seems to be going against you,
Remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."
Henry Ford --- Submitted by Jasmine C. --- Singapore

"The price for a small dream and a big dream is the same;
It is one life, and it's YOURS."
Dave Tweely --- Submitted by Alex M.--- Maryland

"Defeat is often the tool by which God fashions us for victory. Believe in yourself.
Be Number 1 today."
Copyright © 2002 Norm Smith

"Knowledge Is Power! Train smart and obtain power!"
Copyright © 2002 John Webster

"You can Know something for a long time. You may Believe it, Adore it, Preach it, Embrace it, Want it. And then, one day...it suddenly becomes a part of You, down to your very soul. You no longer are conscious of this thing as a Concept. You begin to Live it without intent. It is in that moment of true assimilation that our heart and our mind expand. It is wildly exciting to feel yourself grow, is it not?"
Copyright © 2002 Gina Hamilton
It is this possibility that keeps me going when the world makes no sense to my heart.

"The world is your playground - play with a sense of destiny."
Copyright © 1998 Ed Boyden

"I have no interest in following the mass;
It is me who's going to make the difference - NOT them."
--- Copyright © 2002 Theresa Vlietstra

"Practice makes better,
Perfect practice makes a lot better,
Practicing with your heart makes perfect!"
--- Written in 2002 by Tommy S. --- Vancouver, Canada

"No matter how much Science and Technology advances, it is IMPOSSIBLE to determine how two person perceives a particular situation. Each has its own "Point Of View". So what makes you think from negative perspective? Remember there are billions living on this earth and each & everyone has its own peculiar way of thinking. So from this day on, no, from this very moment on...view everything from a positive perspective, no matter how others present the situation to you. Remember, it's their Point Of View and you have a MIND of your OWN and never sacrifice your DREAM because others lack YOUR PERSPECTIVE to see things. You are the Universe; everything you want, ask to yourself."
--- Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ali Asgar Nagaria --- Maharashtra, India
I hope this message encourages whoever reads it, to lead a life from a Positive Point Of View, no matter what the situation. It is the first thing that comes in my MIND when I wake up in the morning and the last thing to remember when I sleep at night.

"The more energy you expend on worrying about events that have already happened, the less chance you will have for molding the nature of today's and tomorrow's events. If a memory from the past brings you angst, do not dwell on it but move on. Always be optimistic and concerned with the future, not the past, and be prepared to let go of yesterday's dream to live out today's vision."
--- Copyright © 2002 Jamie Ellis