"With a positive attitude, thoughts are toward trying again. Therefore, failure does not exist."
Copyright © 1975 John Eaglespirit Campbell
I wrote this while working as a supervisor to encourage my employees. At this time, I serve on the Supreme Court of the Confederated Tribes of Original People as Chief Justice.

"If a mirror was able to talk, what would it say? You are a wonderful person who sees opportunity in every situation. You are a remarkable person who gives to others without regret. You are dedicated person who supports those around you. You are a person who gives love and deserves it right back. Now, look in the mirror...and listen."
Copyright © 2005 Cindy Ferraino

"We did not come all this way, on this long journey, to fail. We rose to stand, not to fall. And now we will fight to the end and no more because what you do out there will determine where you stand tomorrow. You cannot change the past, nor predict the future, so live now, today, this very moment...Let's bring them to their feet!"
RHS Drumline
A contest for drumline... Pregame speech.

"Dream big! You will never know whose life you might change. Go for the stars if you have to!"
Copyright © 2006 Prudence Mookesti

"It's persistence, patience and perfection. This is what must happen in the stages towards being the absolute champion. This is what defines me. Just Be."
Copyright © 2006 Suat Sevilgen
This is something I created without any resources, only from what my heart was feeling.

"You know when we dream, it shows a lot about us; we, as in dreamers, true dreamers. True dreamers are those who dare to reach to the heavens. True dreamers are those who seek that glorified road. True dreamers are those who pursue their dream, longing to have the feeling of walking upon the Gods. True dreamers are those who act with their heart everyday, to reach that heavenly glory of achieving their dream. When that day comes, we, as true dreamers, will realize the true beauty of our wonderful journey. Not just by working hard with all your heart, yet also, just by having the dream."
Written in 2006 by Andre S. --- California

"Follow your dreams and all that you ever thought of, shall follow you."
Written in 2006 by Siddharth Shah --- India

"Keep in mind; remember. Remember; believe in yourself or no one will, remember. Remember; think positive in all you do, remember. Remember; if you see, hear, feel your vision then that only means your dream is waiting for you to make it real. Take the first step. Keep in sight what you want to achieve and never ever give up. Remember; remember you are the only one who can make it happen. Never think you could of, would of or should of, but you can!"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Jemma A. --- England
I once never believed in myself and had no self-confidence, always thinking what others think. But then one day I thought of myself and believed I can do anything I want if I put my mind to it. I picked myself up and step by step achieving goals I thought could never happen. I'm growing everyday by believing in myself. When I have reached my final goal, one day, I will look back and say, "I can do it and so can you!"

"You can be anything you want to be. You just can't be everything you want to be all at once.That is what a lifetime is for."
Copyright © 2006 Randy Dean
(From his new Book - "Major Satisfactors = Major Success: AUnique New Way to Look at How We All Spend, Use, and Waste Time.")

"If you believe, so will they."
Written in 2006 by Michael Regan --- Florida

"Excellence Inspires; Excel Ahead!"
Written in 2006 by Vashi Chandiramani --- Hong Kong

"All successful men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose."
Brian Tracy

"Make it a rule... never to lie down at night without being able to say,
'I have made one human being at least a little wiser, a little happier or a little better this day.'"
Charles Kingsley

"Some of us have great runways already built for us. If you have one, take OFF! But if you don't have one, realize it is your responsibility to grab a shovel and build one for yourself and for those who will follow after you."
Amelia Earhart

"Success will not be yours unless you measure your dream. And guess what? Once you have measured it, people will say it's too big for you. That's when you can say, 'That's not true, it's so small it even fits in my head'."
Copyright © 2006 Francisco Leon

"Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Maria Rita Domingo O'Keeffe --- Illinois
This is a compilation.

"Whenever I play basketball, I think about how much you have to play the game with all of your heart, never give up and give it all you got. I think that is the way that you should play life, just like basketball."
Written in 2006 by Alyssa D., Age 13 --- North Dakota
Just remember to do everything with your whole heart.

"I had never played a piano before, but in 2 weeks,
I could play Fur Elise
I had never painted a picture before, but in 2 weeks,
I had painted a masterpiece
I had never danced before, but in 2 weeks,
I was a professional
People say I'm optimistic
No, just totally and utterly determined
Written in 2006 by Ruthie W.
The only person who can make anything happen is you. If you never give up, you will never fail!

"Think what's not possible and do it!"
Copyright © 2005 Tony Williams (Germany)

"There are times when you ask yourself, is it worth it? I ask you...what have you done to make a worth out of it?"
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Winston Koola --- India

"I will not stop. I will not slow down. I will not surrender. I will win. I will triumph.I will never, ever quit. Remember winners are just losers who got MAD! Keep on keeping on."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by FEARLESS A.C. --- Texas

"Create your life from the inside out; do not allow the outside (Environmental Factors)to create you. Take control and live "YOUR" life. It is the most precious thing youwill ever have."
Written in 2006 by Eben Van der Nest --- South Africa

"Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up again."
Batman Begins --- Submitted by M.A. --- United Kingdom
I would like to say that this quote has helped me through a lot of life's hardships. I have learned to pick myself up and carry on, no matter the price I may pay.