"Peace is more than the absence of war. It is living in a state of balance and harmony. Most of all, peace is about respect - respect for ourselves, each other, and the planet we share."
John Lennon --- Submitted by Marita Domingo --- Illinois
Help save the world.

"We do know that a mistake may lead us to a new success, a new idea, or many new ideas. Just believe in you and let your daily motto be, "I Can Do Anything!" You are the best creature God created and you do deserve such self-motivation."
Copyright © 2009 Shatha Zahran --- Jordan

"Faith makes life possible. Hope makes life workable. Love makes life beautiful."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Arun S. Kumar --- India

"You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are."
Eckhart Tolle

"Life is a great and wondrous mystery, and the only thing we know that we have for sure is what is right here and right now. Don't miss it."
Leo Buscaglia

"Not even the angels stand higher than the man who took the wrong way and then returned."
The Talmud

"If we become uncomfortable in any given moment, we can look at a flower, a pebble in the street or the tire on our car and be grateful. We can gaze at a person in the distance or at a cloud in the sky and be appreciative. We can smile at a stranger, hug someone we know or tidy a disorganized shelf and be thankful for the opportunity. If we choose gratitude, we will be happy!"
Barry Neil Kaufman --- Submitted by Lauren C. --- New Jersey

"True beauty cannot be seen in a mirror."
Author Unknown --- Amy A. Bjork --- Washington

"The secret of health, for both mind and body, is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Rhea Singh --- India

"Hold my hand; let us walk together to see the future, not the past. Our skin colors are different; let us paint the world. Our languages are different; let us make it into a song. Our beliefs are different; let us respect each other. Let's make our differences into one idea, for the world and for our generations to come. We might not be able to make a lot of changes but let us try it."
Copyright © 2010 Johni Pangalila

"A man of great power will try to change the world. But a man of great love will let the world change him."
Written in 2009 by Khan V. --- Pennsylvania
Many people are seeking and searching. Many are striving and surviving. Only few take the time to notice how perfect God's creation is and His plan. We can't change the world; no one can but God. All we can do is change the way we see the world. Through the eyes of love, the life we live in and the world we are in is a beautiful place and a meaningful journey. When we can appreciate and experience this journey with gratitude, we no longer need changes and through this we find love, peace gratitude and contentment.

"Never bring tears to any face. Always bring smiles to every face."
Written in 2009 by Sakshi Khanna --- India
I originally wrote this in my teen years. I love this statement! It gives me positive energy to do good and to be nice to everyone, so that I can see smiles on every face and make them feel happy.

"It's a trustworthy saying and worthy of all acceptance that dreaming makes the devil smile, believing in your dream makes him laugh, but when you surrender your dream to God, he trembles and quakes."
Copyright © 2010 Stanley Anukege
Don't be afraid to dream.

"A life well lived is a life where one finds peace within self, in appreciating the little things, and accepting the things that he can't change."
Written in 2009 by Sbongile Tshabalala --- South Africa
I believe that this is a secret to a more healthy and happy life.

"We do not see because we have eyes, we see because there is light. The amount of light you carry determines your glow."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Doflynn Boakai --- Liberia

"If you believe and have faith in God and one day a tragedy comes into your life, don't ask Him 'Why?' ask Him 'What for?' Prepare yourself for whatever comes next and for Him to reveal His plan to you."
Written in 2009 by Johni Pangalila --- Australia
God loves you and He will never allowing something to happen to you that you cannot handle. He will never let you down.

"Speak always truth and only the truth. Then you will find that whatever you speak becomes true."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by Soundararajan Sundararajan
Nowadays we find people very rarely speaking truth and telling lies (falsehood) has become order of the day. People do not speak truth out of fear. In India, ancient sages & rishis spoke only truth as theywere not afraid of anything and whatever they spoke, either it may be a Blessing or a curse, both became true. Only a fearless person can speak truth and a person who speaks truth goes closer & closer to GOD as GODis nothing but TRUTH. In India, in Sanskrit, it is known as SATHYAM. SATHYAM SIVAM SUNDARAM are the verses denoting GOD which means that Truth is SIVAM (GOD) and Sundaram means Beauty. Wherever one finds serene beauty,one can feel the presence of GOD. Beauty gives internal Happiness & Peace. GOD is PEACE, GOD is BEAUTY, GOD is TRUTH. The first fundamental step is to realize GOD is TRUTH in your thoughts, speech and action.The quote has been told to me by my Teacher who taught me Yoga Vedantha when I was in Himalayas. As a member of MotivateUs.com, I thought it is my duty to spread this message to one & all so that TRUTH prevails all the time.

"Who do you love and trust more: yourself or God? I choose God because I can fail myself. However, God never fails me."
Written in 2009 by K.D. --- Texas
I personally came up with and wrote this quote because from time to time, we as humans tend to want to rely on our own understanding as it pertains to life's situations. However, the fact that we are human,we can fail ourselves. But, if we put our complete trust in God and have faith that He will get us through, WE CAN'T LOSE!

"There is a reason for everything I think, I know. There is a purpose for my existence. Though I doubt I can change the world single-handedly, God has granted me with the ability to make a difference. Even having changed only one person's life, I would feel accomplished that I made a difference and can sleep throughout the night knowing so..."
Copyright © 2010 Fabian Lopez

"Once your motivation is inner illumination then you enter into the true power of prayer."
Caroline Myss --- Submitted by Mary Michelle --- Michigan

"The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes."
William Shakespeare --- Submitted by Aparna Hareesh --- India
This line is said by Portia (Dr Balthasar) to Shylock when he demands his one pound of flesh, "On what compulsion must I? Tell me that". In the entire play this is one dialogue that has made me spellbound.

"I have realized that I should not regret any day of my life. Good days give me happiness, bad days give me experiences - both are essential to life. Happiness keeps me sweet, trials make me strong, sorrows keep me human, failures make me humble, success keeps me loving but God keeps me going."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by James Padilla --- Philippines
Some positive thoughts we should be thinking every time we wake up in the morning.

"When you've conquered the storm, you can easily master the wind."
Written in 2009 by Tony Jana --- India
I was going through a trying time in my life and I realized it helped me grow.